Mobile Forensics with Belkasoft
Learn how to analyze and review mobile artifacts in Belkasoft X, to narrow your search and quickly find the data you need, or how to choose the right method to acquire Android or iOS data.
We know how expensive your time is and how difficult it is to plan things now. This is why we prepared a course you get to study in a safe, comfortable environment and at times that are convenient for you. In this course you will learn:
How to analyze and review mobile artifacts in Belkasoft X
How to narrow your search and quickly find the data you need
How to acquire Android data: what options you have and how to choose the right method
How to acquire iOS data: what you could do in case of a locked device, what terminology is important to know and so on
Course Participation Agreement
1.1 Install Belkasoft Evidence Center X
2.1 Create a new case
3. Add a data source (iPhone backup)
BelkaQUIZ 1
4. Enter the password for nested iPhone backup
BelkaQUIZ 2
2.1 Artifacts in Belkasoft X (Video)
2.2. Artifacts in Belkasoft X (text)
BelkaQUIZ 3
3.1. Mini-timeline, global, and local filters in Belkasoft X
3.2. How to search in Belkasoft X
BelkaQUIZ 4
4.1 Android phones investigation (webinar)
4.2 ANDROID acquisition methods
4.3 SANS about mobile validation
4.4 Qualcomm acquisition (BelkaTalk video)
BelkaQUIZ 5
5.1 Locked iPhones investigation
5.2 iOS acquisition methods
5.3 iOS agent-based acquisition
5.4 Checkm8-related terms and approach
BelkaQUIZ 6
This course is designed for those who aim to harden the security of their business networks and learn how to enable quick incident response procedures to a variety of data breaches.
The course is designed for those who need to acquire evidence remotely and would like to learn more about all the needed steps, such as configuring a server, deploying an agent, and various ways to acquire data.
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