What's inside?

  • How to use basic and advanced methods of iOS acquisition, such as checkm8-based and agent-based acquisition

  • How to use Belkasoft X Brute-force tool to unlock certain models of iPhone and iPad devices

  • How to acquire iOS data from the cloud

  • How to analyze iOS apps, including encrypted ones

  • Which iOS system files may be of interest for a DFIR investigation and how to analyze them

Course curriculum

    1. Course Participation Agreement

    1. 1.1. Welcome and introduction

    2. 1.2. Install Belkasoft Evidence Center X

    3. 1.3. Download the course data

    4. 1.4. Create a new case

    5. 1.5. Add a data source (iCloud backup)

    1. 2.1. Before you begin

    2. 2.2 Introduction and overview of iOS acquisition methods

    3. 2.3. AFU and BFU modes

    4. 2.4. iTunes backups acquisition

    5. 2.5. BelkaQUIZ (2)

    6. 2.6. Checkm8-based acquisition

    7. 2.7. USB-restricted mode

    8. 2.8. iOS agent-based acquisition

    9. 2.9. BelkaQUIZ (3)

    10. 2.10. Additional iOS acquisition methods

    11. 2.11. Unlocking iOS devices with Belkasoft X Brute-Force

    12. 2.12. BelkaQUIZ (5)

    13. 2.13. Bonus task: iOS acquisition

    1. 3.1. Introduction

    2. 3.2. Acquisition options

    3. 3.3. iCloud data acquisition: step by step

    4. 3.4. BelkaQUIZ (4)

    1. 4.1. Introduction

    2. 4.2 Artifacts in Belkasoft X (Video)

    3. 4.3. Artifacts in Belkasoft X (text)

    4. 4.4. Learn to use mini-timeline, global, and local filters

    5. 4.5. How to search in Belkasoft X

    6. 4.6. BelkaQUIZ (3)

    1. 5.1. Introduction

    2. 5.2. iOS system artifact examples

    3. 5.3. knowledgeC structure

    4. 5.4. knowledgeC acquisition and analysis

    5. 5.5. BelkaQUIZ (4)

About this course

  • $999.00
  • 46 lessons

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